Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Play The Music Inside You

What is your passion? What sets your soul on fire and makes you feel like you are totally in harmony for the reason you exist? You can know this for sure: Whatever it may be, you can make a living doing it and at the same time provide a service for others. I'll bet my bottom dollar on that!

The only thing that will keep you from playing your music inside of you and listening to your heart is fear. According to A Course In Miracles, there are only two emotions: the first one is fear, the other love. You may fear disapproval from others. Take the risk and find out that you may receive more approval then you ever thought you'd get! You may fear the unknown. Take that risk also! Ask yourself, "What is the worst thing that could happen if this falls through?" Guess what? You just move beyond and get through it! You will find that you won't starve to death or be tortured for not succeeding!

You may have been conditioned to believe that you are inadequate and limited. Throw these ideas out the door! Challenge these absurd thoughts and go for what you know that you are here for on this Earth! Let success chase you, for no doubt it will. Let the music play that is inside you!

1 comment:

  1. I play piano, and its the best therapy! I just pour all that I feel into my music.
