Friday, April 24, 2009

Life On The Fast Track

How often do we find ourselves stuck on the freeway of life and can't find the exit ramp. You know exactly what I mean. We get up everyday, grab a quick cup of coffee and out the door. Usually your spouse is still in the shower or just rolls over in bed to catch just another few more winks before their rat race begins.

It almost feels like we are being made into some kind of human robots. Your employer has you as a number and reminds you daily of it. Our society has made us that way. I don't know who set up the ground rules, but here we are!

I think it is time for us to start to take the road less traveled and live our lives that we had dreamt it could be when we were young at heart. Who said in the first place that we had to give up our dreams? I don't recall anyone even asking me!

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