Friday, May 1, 2009

If You Think Peaceful Thoughts

If you think peaceful thoughts, then you will have peaceful emotions that will come into your everyday living. Sounds easy enough, but how often do we let our attachments to other ways of thinking rule the way we live out our ordinary days? If you are the type that has to be right or positively need something to be peaceful or successful, you'll live a life always trying to obtain it yet never reaching or arriving at that goal and feel at peace.

If your main identification is with yourself and your possessions, your ego is more or less running the show. If you can keep your ego in check, then your spiritual self can guide you. When that happens, you can see your body and become a witness to your existence. Your spiritual self sees the folly of attachments because the spiritual side is infinite. Nothing can make you happy or successful. These are constructs that you bring into your life, rather then receive from it.

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