Sunday, May 3, 2009

You Can't Give Away What You Don't Have

You can't give away what you don't have. Well, that is a pretty direct comment! I bet you never figured that one out! What I am saying is, people who never found inner joy or peace inside themselves in their lives have failed this simple truth.

I'm sure that you know at least one person who when faced with a negative situation, respond to it with love and positive feedback. There aren't many out there like that, but they are there! The ones who are able to are because they have it in the first place to give away. They already know that it is impossible to give away something that they don't have. If love and joy is what you want to give and receive, then remember, you can only give away what you already have! Also, you can change your life by changing what is inside of you! It will take you to go the distance, to go that extra mile.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very true, and reading it brought tears to my eyes. After a near death accident I was in, I was left angered, depressed and biter. My attitude was simply not what it was before. I had a hard time accepting the fact of the matter, when I should have been thankful I survived. I turned my anger on others, and I pushed close friends away because of it because I could not accept the damages to my body and brain at the time. While some understood others didnt. my brothers and sister took care of me, changed thier lives for me, yet i treated them like hell. After seeing a psychologist to help me come to terms with the brain injury and my other injuries, I began realizing how self centered I had become, only thinking of myself. I was in love with one man, and i pushed him away fearing his rejections when i rejected him.
    coming to terms with it all now, I am finding it in myself to give the joy, and thankfullness I feel to others. when one's negativity reflects on others it will drive them away quicker than anything. I was never that way before the accident, always loving, filled with life and joy. Im regaining all that back, but I realize what my own negativity did to others and it hurts.
    I was talking to a lady one time who had had cancer for the last 30 years. She was dying and she told me, if you die without peace and joy, your memory will not live on, your spirit will truly die. If you die filled with peace and joy, your memory will live on for a lifetime and your spirit will dwell in others.
    I reflected on that statement for a long time. I learned last week of her death, and she was right. She will always live inside of me because of that one statement!
